Network Data Metrics Recalculation
Incident Report for Coin Metrics
New addresses have been found eligible for exclusion in the calculation of our Free Float Supply (SplyFF) calculation for several assets, impacting some of our downstream Network Data metrics. The historical data has been corrected and can now be backfilled as needed:

-Data Type: Network Data Metrics
-Metrics: Free Float Supply (SplyFF), Free Float Market Cap USD (CapMrktFFUSD), Free Float NVT (NVTAdjFF), Free Float MVRV (Free Float Market Cap / Realized Market Cap) (CapMVRVFF), Free Float NVT 90-day Moving Avg (NVTAdjFF90)
-Asset(s): ae_eth, btm_eth, fxc_eth, icx_eth, lrc_eth, nas_eth, qtum_eth, vet_eth, zil_eth, ldo
-Frequencies Impacted: End Of Day (EOD)
-Time Range of Impact: full history
Posted Jun 07, 2024 - 10:42 UTC
This incident affected: Data Change Notifications (Network Data Pro Changes).